COMMUNITY REVIVE has launch new employment support during this pandemic period.

As the lock-downs varies and the effect of the crisis starts to bite, our community is suffering from unemployment. Many have been laid off and claiming Universal Credit. With the help of National Lottery community fund,

We will run a project to reach members of our community and prepare them as far as employment is concerned. The project will help our members are from BAME community, most of whom are from the refugee background.

We will focus on people who had been working at the hospitality and leisure sector who may not be able to go back to their former jobs and need to update their CVs and focus on upskilling themselves and look for new jobs. Support will include, among others, CV construction and update, job search (online and offline), and job applications. The project will support people to look for volunteering work to help them with future job prospect as well as general advice, information and guidance on benefits and other available government support.

We will also signpost people to relevant support services and training institutions. We will employ sessional workers from the community who will have experience of supporting people into employment and understand the cultural and language barriers service users face when looking for employment. We will also provide support to help users register with employment agencies and prepare them for interviews and work inductions.

The project will run for six months and we believe it will help our members to bounce back from the impact of Covid-19 pandemic. Our volunteers and sessional workers are experienced members with refugee background who have first-hand experience of the difficulties faced by refugees and BAME people (cultural, economic, linguistic) and the barriers these face in terms of employability and economic security.

If you are unemployed living in Tyne and Wear area you can use the project’s service.

  • Employment advice  
  • CV construction and update  
  • Interview techniques  
  • Induction training  
  • Universal credit advice  
  • Signposting

Please contact Daniel Tewdros on 07930157096
